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Training in cellular stress response (Slovakia)


Partner Topic of the training Training description Proposed duration of the training Planned date
BMC SAV Course in cellular stress response (changes in cell shape and expression of secretory proteins) Isolation of primary mouse kidney cells, their separation and characterization, exposure of cells to nanomaterials and analysis of actin cytoskeleton remodelling and cell adhesion using immunofluorescence, changes in gene expression using qPCR, data analysis and interpretation Up to 5 students, 1 week Closed for applications


One of the important parameters for the evaluation of nanomaterial toxicity in biological samples is the determination of cellular actin cytoskeleton changes. Cytoskeleton actively reflects mechanical interactions of cells with other cells or with the cell environment. In certain cell types, the cell shape is closely linked to the cell function and disturbances in cell shape may lead to the loss of this function. An example are renal podocytes – cells ensuring proper blood filtration in the kidneys. Even slight changes of the cytoskeleton may lead to non-functional podocytes and proteinuria. Actin is a highly conserved cytoskeletal protein and actin filament network visualized by phalloidin is commonly used for detection of actin cytoskeleton remodeling. Immunocytochemistry from protocol design, preparation, and stimulation of cells with nanoparticles, staining with fluorescently-labeled phalloidin, and visualization of samples by fluorescence microscopy is the scope of this workshop.